Whale Harbor
Whale Harbor

Content Marketing Cloud

AI copilot for your content

「Whale Harbor」provides all marketers with the tool to create, manage and deliver content across different channels at scale.

「Whale Marketing Cloud」provides brand customers with one-stop digital marketing operation solutions. Based on best practices in the industry, it integrates content creation, crowd selection, marketing method, omni-channel delivery and marketing ROI analysis; it makes the platform easy-to-use for marketing personnel, satisfies the IT department’s demand in flexibility, and relieves relevant operation personnel from their dependence on R&D and data departments. 「Whale Marketing Cloud」improves the marketing efficiency and ROI with data and AI and enables marketing to adapt to dynamic changes of the consumer use to connect brands with consumers.

Digital Asset Management

Content production, management, distribution and marketing to achieve marketing activities on all channels.

  • 多渠道触点管理,全面触达目标用户

    Structured storage to comprehensively improve
    asset management efficiency

    • Store content assets such as photos, videos, H5, files and tables in a structured manner;

    • Rapidly identify the target assets and shorten the search time through retrieving and filtering the metadata of target assets.

  • 多渠道触点管理,全面触达目标用户

    Multi-channel touchpoint management to connect
    users in an all-round way

    • Cover all marketing channels, including WeChat, Douyin, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Bilibili and offline stores;

    • Ensure the efficiency of content distribution, reduce the cost of content adaptation channels, and increase the content connection scope.

  • AI 赋能与强交互的跨团队协作方式,提升组织工作效率

    AI-based and cross-team collaboration with strong interaction to improve the organizational work efficiency

    • Quickly create static and dynamic interactive marketing contents for relevant activities;

    • Flexibly assign permissions to departments to edit, distribute, and deliver marketing materials together, saving time;

    • Gather value information, record marketing planning, formulate and implement rules, track data and review results to flexibly call and insert contents, components, and boards;

    • AI-based standardized content audit to avoid legal compliance issues of materials and ensure the safe use of contents.

  • Structured storage to comprehensively improve
    asset management efficiency

    • Store content assets such as photos, videos, H5, files and tables in a structured manner;

    • Rapidly identify the target assets and shorten the search time through retrieving and filtering the metadata of target assets.

  • Multi-channel touchpoint management to connect
    users in an all-round way

    • Cover all marketing channels, including WeChat, Douyin, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Bilibili and offline stores;

    • Ensure the efficiency of content distribution, reduce the cost of content adaptation channels, and increase the content connection scope.

  • AI-based and cross-team collaboration with strong interaction to improve the organizational work efficiency

    • Quickly create static and dynamic interactive marketing contents for relevant activities;

    • Flexibly assign permissions to departments to edit, distribute, and deliver marketing materials together, saving time;

    • Gather value information, record marketing planning, formulate and implement rules, track data and review results to flexibly call and insert contents, components, and boards;

    • AI-based standardized content audit to avoid legal compliance issues of materials and ensure the safe use of contents.

    AI 赋能与强交互的跨团队协作方式,提升组织工作效率
Customer Data Platform

Omni-channel data access and touchpoint integration to create and deliver 360° consumer behavior portraits for users in private domains.

  • 全域用户数据集成,多渠道实时数据采集

    Omni-channel user data integration
    to collect data by multiple channels in real time

    • Access and integrate multi-platform data, collect and analyze data by multiple channels in real time, and use ID Mapping and multi-dimensional tagging system to establish omni-channel consumer portraits;

    • Use the member database to achieve marketing goals such as member modeling, activity design, higher marketing efficiency and better member experience.

  • 全景用户画像整合,精准用户画像

    Panoramic user portrait integration
    to obtain accurate user portraits

    • Draw accurate consumer behavior portraits with CDP static and dynamic tagging capabilities;

    • Gain insight into user intentions, predict consumer behaviors to empower marketing decisions.

  • 用户全生命周期的洞察与运营,多维圈选,精准投放

    User life-cycle insight and operation,
    multi-dimensional selection and precise delivery

    • Target user groups via multi-dimensional selection;

    • Make personalized marketing strategies for users with different profiles and life cycles;

    • Ensure target users to receive proper marketing contents through appropriate channels at the right time, improving marketing accuracy and user stickiness.

  • Omni-channel user data integration
    to collect data by multiple channels in real time

    • Access and integrate multi-platform data, collect and analyze data by multiple channels in real time, and use ID Mapping and multi-dimensional tagging system to establish omni-channel consumer portraits;

    • Use the member database to achieve marketing goals such as member modeling, activity design, higher marketing efficiency and better member experience.

  • Panoramic user portrait integration
    to obtain accurate user portraits

    • Draw accurate consumer behavior portraits with CDP static and dynamic tagging capabilities;

    • Gain insight into user intentions, predict consumer behaviors to empower marketing decisions.

  • User life-cycle insight and operation,
    multi-dimensional selection and precise delivery

    • Target user groups via multi-dimensional selection;

    • Make personalized marketing strategies for users with different profiles and life cycles;

    • Ensure target users to receive proper marketing contents through appropriate channels at the right time, improving marketing accuracy and user stickiness.

Marketing Automation Platform

Personalized marketing to realize the closed loop of automated marketing business and improve business growth.

  • 颠覆传统的营销策划方式,文档即策划

    Use innovative marketing planning
    method to prepare files

    • Prepare files with team creativity and use integrated WMC technical components to realize simultaneous implementation of marketing plans, one-click approval, and automated execution.

  • 营销流程画布,实现个性化商业旅程

    Use marketing process canvas
    to achieve personalized commercial use

    • Based on life cycle, real-time activity triggering, tagging and other user scenarios, flexibly create and implement rich marketing plans with process canvas, and customize user route;

    • Quickly configure automated delivery processes and marketing contents to achieve one-to-one precise marketing in most scenarios;

    • Simple, fast and easy operation to greatly improve organization efficiency.

  • 丰富的营销旅程模板,助力深耕精细化运营

    Rich marketing templates
    to help deepen and refine operations

    • 100+ high-ROI marketing activities by leading brands; attractive and massive activities organized to stimulate marketing inspiration and keep pace with the times;

    • Automatically and efficiently manage large-scale and cross-channel complex marketing activities of different types and methods; help brands better conduct life-cycle consumer operation and marketing;

    • Based on typical marketing methods of brands and industries, establish a “template library" to carry out marketing activities by one click.

  • Use innovative marketing planning
    method to prepare files

    • Prepare files with team creativity and use integrated WMC technical components to realize simultaneous implementation of marketing plans, one-click approval, and automated execution.

  • Use marketing process canvas
    to achieve personalized commercial use

    • Based on life cycle, real-time activity triggering, tagging and other user scenarios, flexibly create and implement rich marketing plans with process canvas, and customize user route;

    • Quickly configure automated delivery processes and marketing contents to achieve one-to-one precise marketing in most scenarios;

    • Simple, fast and easy operation to greatly improve organization efficiency.

  • Rich marketing templates
    to help deepen and refine operations

    • 100+ high-ROI marketing activities by leading brands; attractive and massive activities organized to stimulate marketing inspiration and keep pace with the times;

    • Automatically and efficiently manage large-scale and cross-channel complex marketing activities of different types and methods; help brands better conduct life-cycle consumer operation and marketing;

    • Based on typical marketing methods of brands and industries, establish a “template library" to carry out marketing activities by one click.

Touch Point Management

Based on omni-channel data buried points, grasp the critical moment of consumption MOT.

  • 跨渠道一键推送,高效分发营销内容

    One-click delivery across channels for efficient distribution of marketing contents

    • Cover all marketing channels, including WeChat, Douyin, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Bilibili and offline stores, with high content distribution efficiency; deliver marketing activities by one click;

    • Deliver information through channels such as SMS, WeChat, and email to improve dissemination efficiency of marketing contents.

    • 强大的数字化触点建设,全域触达目标用户

      Powerful digital touchpoint construction
      to connect target users in all channels

      • From online SDK buried points to offline AIoT devices, 20+ touchpoints available to access message channels, content channels, and e-commerce channels;

      • Access to ecosystems including WeChat, Taobao, and ByteDance, and major platforms in short video, e-commerce, social contact, comment, and takeaway to present correct marketing contents to target users through a variety of touchpoints.

      • 跟踪推送数据,可视化分析投放表现

        Track and deliver data
        to visualize analysis and delivery performance

        • Track data on the delivered contents, analyze delivery performance, and display indicators such as the number of deliveries, reach rate, CTR and CVR on the dashboard, and visualize the delivery effect and trend to help brands identify effective contents and ways to connect consumers.

      • One-click delivery across channels for efficient distribution of marketing contents

        • Cover all marketing channels, including WeChat, Douyin, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Bilibili and offline stores, with high content distribution efficiency; deliver marketing activities by one click;

        • Deliver information through channels such as SMS, WeChat, and email to improve dissemination efficiency of marketing contents.

        • Powerful digital touchpoint construction
          to connect target users in all channels

          • From online SDK buried points to offline AIoT devices, 20+ touchpoints available to access message channels, content channels, and e-commerce channels;

          • Access to ecosystems including WeChat, Taobao, and ByteDance, and major platforms in short video, e-commerce, social contact, comment, and takeaway to present correct marketing contents to target users through a variety of touchpoints.

          • Track and deliver data
            to visualize analysis and delivery performance

            • Track data on the delivered contents, analyze delivery performance, and display indicators such as the number of deliveries, reach rate, CTR and CVR on the dashboard, and visualize the delivery effect and trend to help brands identify effective contents and ways to connect consumers.


          Comprehensively collect and analyze data for "customer, goods and space" to guide marketing.

          • 营销数据跟踪,强大的核心指标把控能力

            Marketing data tracking to obtain
            strong core indicator control ability

            • Monitor and track data in all channels through buried points to master the data change trend and analyze the marketing effect in real time;

            • Quickly customize and build a board and support one-click sharing to control the core indicators of each business domain and improve ROI.

          • 敏捷 BI 看板

            Agile BI Board

            • Visualize analysis reports to help marketing personnel quickly grasp business trends and use data results to guide marketing;

            • Save and share customized boards to improve the efficiency of marketing operations.

          • ​全域数据采集,构建统一用户 ID 体系

            ​Omni-channel data collection
            to establish a unified user ID system

            Collect and integrate data from platforms such as offline stores, APPs, applets and websites to establish a unified user ID system.

          • 多维数据分析模型,实时灵活的多维分析能力

            Multi-dimensional data analysis model for
            flexible multi-dimensional analysis in real time

            • Perform multi-dimensional analysis from the perspective of "customer, goods and space" to present the attributes, tags, portraits, key indicators and historical trends of members/products/stores;

            • Use custom event analysis, funnel analysis, attribution analysis, component analysis and other advanced analysis models to analyze business in real time and flexibly; flexibly gain insight into user life-cycle behaviors;

            • Better control costs, prepare plans in advance, refine operations, and set KPIs appropriately; identify the growth potential behind indicators.

          • Marketing data tracking to obtain
            strong core indicator control ability

            • Monitor and track data in all channels through buried points to master the data change trend and analyze the marketing effect in real time;

            • Quickly customize and build a board and support one-click sharing to control the core indicators of each business domain and improve ROI.

          • Agile BI Board

            • Visualize analysis reports to help marketing personnel quickly grasp business trends and use data results to guide marketing;

            • Save and share customized boards to improve the efficiency of marketing operations.

            敏捷 BI 看板
          • ​Omni-channel data collection
            to establish a unified user ID system

            Collect and integrate data from platforms such as offline stores, APPs, applets and websites to establish a unified user ID system.

            ​全域数据采集,构建统一用户 ID 体系
          • Multi-dimensional data analysis model for
            flexible multi-dimensional analysis in real time

            • Perform multi-dimensional analysis from the perspective of "customer, goods and space" to present the attributes, tags, portraits, key indicators and historical trends of members/products/stores;

            • Use custom event analysis, funnel analysis, attribution analysis, component analysis and other advanced analysis models to analyze business in real time and flexibly; flexibly gain insight into user life-cycle behaviors;

            • Better control costs, prepare plans in advance, refine operations, and set KPIs appropriately; identify the growth potential behind indicators.

          Video Analytics Platform

          Structured analysis and visualized analysis for video contents to explore the best practice of live broadcast by algorithm.

          • 实时监测、AI 赋能,打造直播场控驾驶舱

            Real-time monitor and AI application to
            create a live broadcast command module

            Provide the multi-dimensional data board to control the dynamic changes in business data, transaction data and traffic data in real time

            Monitor abnormal fluctuations in data, provide alarm prompts and operational strategy suggestions, and allow field control personnel to find the breakthrough of indicators

            Identify the meaning of the host's words through ASR & NLP, cooperate with the 10,000-level brand compliance detection library, correct the contents, automatically monitor and remind to use less sensitive words

          • 智能裁切、一键投放,让直播引流快人一步

            Smart cutting and one-click delivery
            for earlier live broadcast

            Synchronize the live video stream to the cloud in real time, intelligently cut highlight clips, quickly generate streaming videos with rich templates, and flexibly set DOU+ boost or FEED stream delivery

            Distribute warm-up contents by one click, automatically adapt to channel requirements over image/video size, and cover Douyin fans, Weibo, WeChat and Xiaohongshu to easily realize live streaming

          • 数据挖掘、分析建模,量化指导直播「最佳实践」

            Data mining, analysis and modeling,
            and quantitative guidance for the "best practice" of live broadcast

            Perform structured processing, analysis and storage of live video slices, access to cross-platform live broadcast process data and realize efficient retrieval and review

            Use image recognition, ASR and NLP to establish algorithm models for live broadcast rooms, automatically analyze live videos, and discover the correlation between the host's speech rate, action, style, words and key live broadcast indicators, providing quantitative guidance for host training and live broadcast operation optimization

            Use algorithms to refine live broadcast techniques of the industry and product information, develop the "knowledge map" of the industry, and visualize analysis conclusions, so that brands get rid of manual recording and sorting, and learn about live broadcast dynamics of the industry efficiently

          • Real-time monitor and AI application to
            create a live broadcast command module

            Provide the multi-dimensional data board to control the dynamic changes in business data, transaction data and traffic data in real time

            Monitor abnormal fluctuations in data, provide alarm prompts and operational strategy suggestions, and allow field control personnel to find the breakthrough of indicators

            Identify the meaning of the host's words through ASR & NLP, cooperate with the 10,000-level brand compliance detection library, correct the contents, automatically monitor and remind to use less sensitive words

            实时监测、AI 赋能,打造直播场控驾驶舱
          • Smart cutting and one-click delivery
            for earlier live broadcast

            Synchronize the live video stream to the cloud in real time, intelligently cut highlight clips, quickly generate streaming videos with rich templates, and flexibly set DOU+ boost or FEED stream delivery

            Distribute warm-up contents by one click, automatically adapt to channel requirements over image/video size, and cover Douyin fans, Weibo, WeChat and Xiaohongshu to easily realize live streaming

          • Data mining, analysis and modeling,
            and quantitative guidance for the "best practice" of live broadcast

            Perform structured processing, analysis and storage of live video slices, access to cross-platform live broadcast process data and realize efficient retrieval and review

            Use image recognition, ASR and NLP to establish algorithm models for live broadcast rooms, automatically analyze live videos, and discover the correlation between the host's speech rate, action, style, words and key live broadcast indicators, providing quantitative guidance for host training and live broadcast operation optimization

            Use algorithms to refine live broadcast techniques of the industry and product information, develop the "knowledge map" of the industry, and visualize analysis conclusions, so that brands get rid of manual recording and sorting, and learn about live broadcast dynamics of the industry efficiently


          Empower Business Growth